Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective,
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    Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective,

    Price: €35,90 (including 7 % tax)


    Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective, Ploberger Florian, English book

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and thus also Chinese phytotherapy is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, so-called Western herbs, which are available to us in the West, are described and therapeutically applied according to TCM criteria. This book describes about 150 herbs such as rosemary, basil, ladys mantle, fumatory, dandelion etc. Besides their English names, pharmaceutical, botanical and German names are also listed for each herb. In addition, a description of the parts of the plants used, their taste, temperature effect, the organs involved and doses is provided as well as detailed descriptions of the actions and individual fields of application of individual herbs.
    It is a translation of the 6th revised edition of the book Westliche Kräuter aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin.
    Translated from German by Ursula Derx
    255 pages, many coloured pictures, hardback.

    Your advantages:
    - Comprehensive introductory chapters
    - Clearly structured Materia medica
    - High practical orientation
    - Comprehensive index

    This book serves as an important source of information both for beginners and for experienced therapists.

    The book Westliche Kräuter aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective) has been widely published in Europe and its 8th revised edition has already appeared within a few years. It is now being translated into English due to strong demand.
    255 pages, many coloured pictures, hardback.

    The author:
    Dr.med.univ.Florian Ploberger B. Ac.,MA, Vienna. Main fields: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Tibetan Medicine. Education: Medical studies and internship in Vienna, study of acupuncture at the Austrian Society of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy in 1996; three years of TCM studies with Claude Diolosa until 1998; Bachelor in Acupuncture from K.S. University in the USA 1999; four semesters of Sinology studies and numerous study visits to China (TCM University in Beijing, TCM University in Chengdu) and India (LTWA Library of Tibetan Works & Archives). Since 2004 studies of Tibetology at the Vienna University (Bachelor of Arts in the Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet, 2009, Master 2012). Teaching and publications in the fields of TCM and Tibetan Medicine since 1997. Head of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Bacopa Centre of Learning in Upper Austria and President of the Austrian Educational Society for Traditional Chinese Medicine (ÖAGTCM)(after three years of further education physicians are awarded the diploma Chinese Diagnostics and Pharmacotherapy by the Austrian Chamber of Physicians). Regular lectures on Western herbs from the TCM perspective upon invitation of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists. In 2007 he was publishing editor of Die Grundlagen der Tibetischen Medizin (a translation of the book Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine of Men-Tsee-Khang Publication). It was a great honour and pleasure for him when in summer 2009 he was officially asked by Dr. Dawa, the former Director of the Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute in Dharamsala, Northern India) to translate the first two parts of rGyud-bZhi, the most important work of Tibetan Medicine (The Basic Tantra and The Explanatory Tantra from the Secret Quintessential Instructions on the Eight Branches of the Ambrosia Essence Tantra). Since the 12th century this text has been serving as the foundation stone in the training of Tibetan medical practitioners, and is still being learned and memorised today. The translation was published 2012. Currently, as university reader, he gives a weekly lecture on various subjects of Tibetan Medicine at Vienna University.

    Translated from German by Ursula Derx


    Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective, €35,90

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    Last Updated: Wednesday, 10 April 2019 19:41

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