A Practical Handbook of Auricular Acupuncture, Jin Shi-ying/Jin
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    A Practical Handbook of Auricular Acupuncture, Jin Shi-ying/Jin

    Prix Unitaire: €25,00 (Taxes 7 % comprises)


    A Practical Handbook of Auricular Acupuncture, Jin Shi-ying/Jin Wan-cheng/Jin Pu, English book

    This comprehensive, simple and practical handbook gives the history and theory of scalp acupuncture, with scalp lines overlaid, surface anatomy and corresponding motor and sensory regions of the brain. It also details the diagnosis and applications, elucidating the regions, locations, indications, and manipulation methods.
    This textbook is a practical useful aid for clinical TCM students and acupuncturists.
    70 pages

    Professor Jin Shi-ying is chief physician at the department of traditional Chinese medicine at the Southern Medical University. He has 50 years of clinical experience and is presently the executive director of the China Association of Chinese Medicine and the professional head of the Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biomedicine Committee. He focuses his career on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and biomedicine, and performs research in acupuncture, TCM diagnostics, herbal medicine, and medical history.

    A Practical Handbook of Auricular Acupuncture, Jin Shi-ying/Jin €25,00

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    Dernière mise à jour: mercredi, 17 avril 2019 08:19

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