HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 2 sztuk.
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    HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 2 sztuk.

    Cena: €7,49 (w³±czaj±c 19 % VAT)
    Ilo¶æ Cena
    1 - 4€7,49
    5 - 9€6,99
    10 - 100€6,49


    Easy to use, 100% natural, pleasant, long lasting thermal effect up to 16 hours, no side effects, can be used for rheumatism, muscular pains, lower back pain, spondylitis disease, siatic pain syndrome, neck twist, sport injuries and cold-syndrome (blood congestions). Cures on biological basis, has analgetic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    After opening the plaster packing, a reaction begins on contact with atmospheric oxygen and produces a warming effect. 3 years expiry time. Composition: The core consists of a Chinese herbal mixture wrapped in a pouch made of orange bark. This again lies on a carbonized iron mixture, masked by a black plaster, which is coated with the 33 most important minerals for the body.

    2 plasters per box.

    Made in China.

    HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 2 sztuk. €7,49

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    Last Updated: sobota, 03 styczeń 2015 16:01

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