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Online sales of acupuncture needles, acupuncture equipment, kinesiology tape for kinesiotaping, massage oils & other medical supplies
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Igły do akupunktury
TeWa igły do akupunktury
TeWa igły do akupunktury - 1 igła/blister, 100 szt./opak.
TeWa z plastikowym uchwytem
20% Savings on Acupuncture Starter Kit
PB-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
PJ-Type Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, with tube, 100 pcs
PJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
TeWa z prowadnica
UK Acupuncture Starter Kit, acupuncture needles with guide tube
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve (niepowlekane)
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve
CJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
CJ -Type TeWa igły do akupunktury (niepowlekane)
JJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
KJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
PJ-Type Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, with tube, 100 pcs
PJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
TeWa z miedzianym uchwytem
20% Savings on Acupuncture Starter Kit
CB-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
CB -Type TeWa igły do akupunktury (niepowlekane)
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve (niepowlekane)
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve
CJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
CJ -Type TeWa igły do akupunktury (niepowlekane)
XL-Type TeWa acupuncture needles (extra-long: 75 - 100 mm)
20% Savings on Acupuncture Starter Kit
CB-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
CB -Type TeWa igły do akupunktury (niepowlekane)
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve (niepowlekane)
CJ-Type TeWa z Safe-T Sleeve
CJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
CJ -Type TeWa igły do akupunktury (niepowlekane)
Gold Plated Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, without tube, 50
Gold plated TeWa acupuncture needles, 50 pcs/box
ID-Type TeWa (Igly Śródskórne)
JB-Type TeWa
JJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
KB-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
KJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
PB-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
PJ-Type Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, with tube, 100 pcs
PJ-Type TeWa igły do akupunktury
SB-Type Tewa acupuncture needles
XL-Type TeWa acupuncture needles (extra-long: 75 - 100 mm)
TeWa Speed Pak & Detox igły do akupunktury - 5 igieł/ blister, 1000 szt./opak.
TeWa Speed Pak 5CB
TeWa 5CBs-Type TeWa Speed Pak needles, non-coated, Chinese style, 1.000 pcs/box
TeWa 5JB-Type TeWa Speed Pak needles, Japanese style, 1.000 pcs/box
TeWa 5KB-Type TeWa Speed Pak needles, Korean style, 1.000 pcs/box
DPB-Type TeWa Detox acupuncture needles, bight colour handle, 1.
TeWa Sooji Chim hand acupuncture needle 0,18x8 mm, 1.500 pcs
Kits for acupuncture courses
20% Savings on Acupuncture Starter Kit
20% Savings on Auriculotherapy Starter Kit
UK Acupuncture Starter Kit, acupuncture needles with guide tube
asia-med Igły do akupunktury
asia-med w pojedynczym blistrze
asia-med Special
asia-med Standard
asia-med Zlote
asia-med Srebrne
asia-med Special+
s|needle J-Type Tap N' Treat
s|needle B-Type
asia-med stałe igły do akupunktury
asia-med Apex - IgłyStałe
s|needle PTN Dauernadeln auf Pflaster
Streitberger Placebo-needle
Streitberger Placebo-needle Set for Sham Acupuncture
CARBO acupuncture needle
CARBO Classic Acupuncture Needles CT1 Single Blister Pack
CARBO Classic Acupuncture Needles CT5 Cluster Blister Pack
CARBO Classic Acupuncture Needles CZ5 Single Blister Easy Pack
CARBO Deluxe Acupuncture Needles DX1 Single Blister Pack
Inne igły do akupunktury
Koreanskie igly do akupunktury dloni
Applicator for Korean hand acup. needles,gravity activated, 1 pc
Aplikator do igieł do akupunktury
Koreańskie igly do akupunktury
Shen Long hand acupuncture needle 0,18x7 mm, 100 pcs
TeWa Sooji Chim hand acupuncture needle 0,18x8 mm, 1.500 pcs
Złote & Srebrne Igły
asia-med Zlote
asia-med Srebrne
Blum Gold acupuncture needles, 50 pcs/box
Blum Silver acupuncture needles, 50 pcs/box
Cloud & Dragon Gold acupuncture needles, 100 pcs/box
Cloud & Dragon Silver acupuncture needles, 100 pcs/box
Gold plated TeWa acupuncture needles, 50 pcs/box
Igły Śródskórne
ID-Type TeWa (Igly Śródskórne)
Detox Igły
DPB-Type TeWa Detox acupuncture needles, bight colour handle, 1.
Igły trwałe
asia-med Apex - IgłyStałe
s|needle PTN Dauernadeln auf Pflaster
C&D press tack needle 0,22x1.5 mm on two-sided adhesive, 100 pcs
C&D press tack needle 0,22x1.5mm on adhesive, 100 pcs
Sedaletec ASP semi-permanent needle
Seirin New Pyonex press needle, 100 pcs
Contact needles
Chokishin, China, 1 pc
Kanaken Shônishin-Set, Japan, 10 pcs
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, large size, 1 pc
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, medium size, 1 pc
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, small size, 1 pc
Maeda Shônishin-Set, Japan, 7 pcs
Maeda solid gold contact needle 0.18x30mm, 1 pc
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.16x40mm, 50 pcs
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.18x30mm, 50 pcs
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.18x40mm, 50 pcs
Teishin, solid gold, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid gold, small size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, small size, 1 pc
Yoneyama, copper, 1 pc
Yoneyama, copper, China, 1 pc
Zanshin (trumpet), copper, 1 pc
Zanshin (trumpet), silver, 1 pc
Cloud & Dragon needles
C&D press tack needle 0,22x1.5 mm on two-sided adhesive, 100 pcs
C&D press tack needle 0,22x1.5mm on adhesive, 100 pcs
Extra-long C&D needles 60 - 100 mm, coated, with tube
Extra-long C&D needles 60 - 100 mm, coated, without tube
Extra-long C&D needles 60 - 100 mm, non-coated, with tube
Extra-long C&D needles 60 - 100 mm, non-coated, without tube
Cosmetic needles
s|needle J-Type Tap N' Treat
Cosmetic TeWa and C&D acupuncture needles, 100 pcs
Gold Plated Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, without tube, 50
PJ-Type Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, with tube, 100 pcs
Seirin acupuncture needle with tube, plastic handle,100 pcs
Seirin needles
Seirin acupuncture needle with tube, plastic handle,100 pcs
Seirin acupuncture needle without tube, plastic handle, 100 pcs
Seirin New Pyonex press needle, 100 pcs
Akcesoria do akupunktury
Electrical Point Finders
Point Mate Acupuncture Point Detector, 1 pc
schwa-medico Pointoselect digital
Silberbauer PS3 Point detector for Acupuncture points
SVESA 1070 Point detector for Acupuncture points
Veterinary probe for Silberbauer PS3 Point detector
Mechanical Point Finders
Auricular probe 2x angled 17 cm, 1 pc
Auricular probe angled & straight 17 cm, 1 pc
Auricular probe angled 15 cm, 1 pc
Auricular probe with magnifying glass, 10.5 cm
Body acupuncture probe straight 15 cm, 1 pc
Diagnostic stick, 10 cm
Ear probe, angled, 1 pc
Ear probe, straight, 1 pc
Pręt szklany do akupresury /Poszukiwania punktow (2 szt.)
Point marker dermaPICTOR, 1 pc
Point marker Japan, black, 1 pc
Point marker Japan, red, 1 pc
Reha Pen 13 cm, 1 pc
Sedatelec Przycisk do wyszukiwania punktow do akupunktury
Teishin probe, spring activated, 10 cm, 1 pc
Teishin, solid gold, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid gold, small size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, small size, 1 pc
Tsumo shin spring probe with magnet, 13 cm
Tsun Meter point locator 17.5 cm, 1 pc
Śliwkowe kwiaty i "Seven star" młotek
Derma rodillo, 70 mm, 1 ud
Dermal Acupresssure Roller, Gold color, 12 cm, 1 pc
Dermal roller with ball end, chromium plated, 7.5 cm, 1 pc
Dermal Roller, Gold color, 6 cm, 1 pc
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, double-side, ox horn, 1 pc
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, double-side, sterile, 1 pc
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, single-side, ox horn, 1 pc
Plum Blossom hammer with 12 change heads, China, sterile
Plum Blossom hammer with 12 change heads, steril, Shenzhou
Seven Star Needle, single side, plastic, sterile, 1 pc
Sanshin products
Bachibari, Japan, 2 pcs
Chokishin, China, 1 pc
Chokishin, Maeda Japan, 2 pcs
Choutou, Japan, 2 pcs
Herabari, Japan, 4cm, 1 pc
Houki (broom) Japan, 1 pc
Kakibari (rake), Japan, 4cm, 1 pc
Kanaken Shônishin-Set, Japan, 10 pcs
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, large size, 1 pc
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, medium size, 1 pc
Maeda Enshin, stainless steel, small size, 1 pc
Maeda Shônishin-Set, Japan, 7 pcs
Maeda solid gold contact needle 0.18x30mm, 1 pc
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.16x40mm, 50 pcs
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.18x30mm, 50 pcs
Maeda solid silver contact needle 0.18x40mm, 50 pcs
Matsuba, Japan, 2x3 cm, 1 pc
Sankaku, Japan, 5cm, 1 pc
Teishin probe, spring activated, 10 cm, 1 pc
Teishin, solid gold, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid gold, small size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, large size, 1 pc
Teishin, solid silver, small size, 1 pc
Tsumo shin spring probe with magnet, 13 cm
Yoneyama, copper, 1 pc
Yoneyama, copper, China, 1 pc
Yukou, Japan, 1 pc
Zanshin (trumpet), copper, 1 pc
Zanshin (trumpet), silver, 1 pc
Modele do akupunktury
Acupressure poster in English, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Acupressure poster in English, 70x50cm, laminated, 1 pc
Acupressure poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Acupressure poster in German, 100x70cm, laminated, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in English, 100x70cm,1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in English, 70x100cm, laminated, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in French, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in French, 100x70cm, laminated, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in Italian, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in Italian, 100x70cm, laminated, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in Spanish, 100x70cm,1 pc
Body acupuncture poster in Spanish, laminated, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Body acupuncture poster, Chinese, 53x38cm, 1 pc
Ear Acup. poster in English & German, 70x50cm, laminated, 1 pc
Ear Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, 1 pc
Ear Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, laminated, 1 pc
Ear Acupuncture poster in English & German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Ear Acupuncture poster Manfred Angermaier in German, 42x59cm, 1
Foot Acup. poster in English & German, 70x50cm, laminated, 1 pc
Foot Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, 1 pc
Foot Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, laminated, 1 p
Foot Acupuncture poster in English & German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Hand Acup. poster in English & German, laminated, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Hand Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, 1 pc
Hand Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, laminated, 1 p
Hand Acupuncture poster in English & German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Head Acup. poster in English & German, 70x50cm, laminated, 1 pc
Head Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, 1 pc
Head Acupuncture mini-poster in English & German, laminated, 1 p
Head Acupuncture poster in English & German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur I, laminated poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur I, poster in German, 100x70cm 1 pc
Körperakupunktur II, laminated poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur II, poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur, laminated poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur, laminated poster in German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur, poster in German, 100x70cm, 1 pc
Körperakupunktur, poster in German, 70x50cm, 1 pc
Large Ear Model 22 cm with points 1 pc
Large hand model (3:2) with points 1 pc
Male body model 26 cm with points 1pc
Male body model 50 cm with points 1pc
Male head model 20 cm with points 1 pc
Model female 48 cm with points 1 pc
Set pair of ears 7x4.5cm
Set pair of plastic ears 7.5 cm (1:1) with points
Inne materiały i wyposażenie medyczne
Dezynfekujace chusteczki do ciala, 30 x 62 mm, 100 szt../opak.
Double roller face 15 cm, Jade, 1 pc
Fleece blanket, 220x180 cm, 1 pc
Kodan® Wipes, 90 pcs in dispenser
Needle disposal box big 3.0 l, 1 pc
Needle disposal box small 0.7 l, 1 pc
Needles & syringes disposal box, 5.0 l, 1 pc
Plaster for Accu-Band magnets, 19mm, 120 pcs
Plaster for Apex & small pallets, 9mm, 560 pcs
Plaster for intradermal needles/vaccaria seeds, 8x6 mm, 100 pcs
Plaster for small spheres, 13mm, 500 pcs
Plastic Tongue depressors 150 mm, 100 pcs
Point marker dermaPICTOR, 1 pc
Point marker Japan, black, 1 pc
Point marker Japan, red, 1 pc
Portable 3-section wood massage table
Pur-Zellin swabs 4 x 5 cm, Hartmann, steril, 500 pcs
Pur-Zellin swabs dispenser, 1 pc
Softasept® N clear, 1 liter
Softasept® N clear, 5 liters
Tsun Meter point locator 17.5 cm, 1 pc
Wooden Tongue depressors 150 mm, sterile, 100 pcs
Wooden Tongue depressors 150 mm, sterile, 50 pcs
Zelltip® cellulose swabs 4 x 5 cm, non-sterile, 2 x 520 pcs
Zelltip® swabs dispenser, 1 pc
RAC Diagnostics
3 volt frequency hammer system, 1 pc
3 volt hammer, 1 pc
300 volt rod, 1 pc
9 volt block, 1 pc
9 volt rod, 1 pc
Black/white hammer, 1 pc
Lithium battery for 3 volt hammer, 1 pc
Magnetic coil for 3 volt frequency hammer, big, 1 pc
Magnetic coil for 3 volt frequency hammer, small, 1 pc
Magnetic hammer, 1 pc
Manaka & Ion Pumping
Ion Tester for Manaka Ion Cords, 1 pc
Manaka wooden hammer 13 cm with dowel, 1 pc
Regular Ion Pumping Cords 2m, 2 pc
Triple Ion Pumping Cord 2m, 1 pc
Laser Devices
Aku-Wave 4 Photonic Satellite laser surface
AkuWave 4 Laser System (Touchscreen and Optional Gear)
AkuWave Accessories
AkuWave laser brush 400 mW with dermal lens, 1 pc
AkuWave laser brush 600 mW, 1 pc
asia-med LaserPen compact
Attachments and accessories for probes
Infrared laser Trion mobile
Laser safety eyewear
Photonic 500 laser surface
Sprint Mobile Laser 150mW infrared eye
Sprint Mobile Laser 50mW infrared eye
Electro Acupuncture
AWQ -104L Digital Electronic Acupunctoscope, 1 pc
Han-Sen adhesive electrodes, 4 pcs
Hwato SDZ-II Electronic Acupuncture Stimulator
Hwato SDZ-II Electronic Acupuncture stimulator, new type
Hwato SDZ-III Electronic Acupuncture Needle Stimulator
Hwato SDZ-V Electronic Acupuncture stimulator, 1 unit
Ito ES-130 Palm-size Acupuncture Stimulator, 1 pc
Ito ES-160 Acupuncture Stimulator, 6 channels, 1 pc
Jia Jia adhesive gel electrodes 50x50 mm, 4 pcs
Jia Jian Acupuncture Needle Stimulator, 6 channels, 1 unit
Vivomed Stress Electrode Ø 45 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Electrode Quick SPOT 55 x 35 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Electrode Square SPOT 57 x 52 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Foam Electrode Kids Ø 30 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Foam Electrode Ø 55 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Microtape perforated fleece Electrode Ø 50 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Snap connector, 1 pc
Vivomed Textile Electrode Ø 55 mm, 30 pcs
Su Jok products
Applicator for Korean hand acup. needles,gravity activated, 1 pc
Aplikator do igieł do akupunktury
Koreańskie igly do akupunktury
Finger roller, gold coloured, 5 pcs
Finger roller, silver coloured, 5 pcs
Massage nuts for Su Jok hand massge, 1 pc
Massage stick for Su Jok hand massge, 1 pc
Press pellet for Su Jok, 1 point, 100 pcs
Press pellet for Su Jok, 6 points, 30 pcs
Shen Long hand acupuncture needle 0,18x7 mm, 100 pcs
SJC hand/ear magnet 800 Gauss, Korea, 50 pcs
TeWa Sooji Chim hand acupuncture needle 0,18x8 mm, 1.500 pcs
Cosmetic products
Cosmetic TeWa and C&D acupuncture needles, 100 pcs
Derma rodillo, 70 mm, 1 ud
Dermal Acupresssure Roller, Gold color, 12 cm, 1 pc
Dermal Roller, Gold color, 6 cm, 1 pc
Double roller face 15 cm, Jade, 1 pc
PJ-Type Cosmetic TeWa acupuncture needles, with tube, 100 pcs
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, double-side, ox horn, 1 pc
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, double-side, sterile, 1 pc
Plum Blossom 7 Star Needle, single-side, ox horn, 1 pc
Plum Blossom hammer with 12 change heads, China, sterile
Plum Blossom hammer with 12 change heads, steril, Shenzhou
Seven Star Needle, single side, plastic, sterile, 1 pc
Bańki do masażu (twarzy i rąkz) z oliwa & nasadkami (szkło bromokrzemowe, wykonane w Niemczech)
Acupcuncture books
in French
ABC de la Médecine Orientale
Acupuncture : les points essentiels
Ces aliments qui nous soignent
L'Acupuncture pour les Nuls, the French book!
Une histoire de Pouls
in Spanish
La esencia de la medicina china
in Italian
ABC de la Médecine Orientale
Acupuncture : les points essentiels
Ces aliments qui nous soignent
L'Acupuncture pour les Nuls, the French book!
La esencia de la medicina china
Une histoire de Pouls
Urządzenia grzewcze (lampy TDP, itp.)
12,4 cm mineral plate for TDP-minerals infrared table lamp, 1 pc
beurer IL 50 infrared radiator lamp, 1 pc
Infrared-Moxa-Device M3, Silberbauer
Mineral plate for TDP-minerals infrared lamp
Mineral plate for TDP-minerals IR healing lamp intensive, 3 pcs
Mineral plate for Zhoulin WS-111 Bio-Spectrum Treatment Device,
OS Moxa Balm, wazelina, zioła, mentol, kamforę, 20 g
OS Moxa Spray (zastępować palenie Moxa) 100 ml.
PREMIO 10 infrared moxa device, Sedatelec
TDP-minerals infrared healing lamp, double head
TDP-minerals infrared healing lamp, New, single head, 1 pc
TDP-minerals infrared healing lamp, single head
TDP-minerals infrared healing lamp, table lamp, 1 pc
Zhoulin WS-101 Bio-Spectrum Treatment Device
Zhoulin WS-111 Bio-spectrum Treatment Device
Moxa & plastry nagrzewajace
Moxa rolls (cygara)
Hinoki Japanese Cypress Incense, 120 pcs
Mainichi-Koh Natural Incense, Japan, 300 pcs
Nian Ying Moxa cygara, Hunan, medium, 20x1,5cm 10sztuk
NianYing Moxa Rolls, Wushe, 20x1.5 cm, 10 pcs
Pressed moxa rolls, mild, 12x 0,45 cm, 75 pcs
Pure moxa roll, Huaian by Hunan, mild, 21x1.6cm, 10 pcs
Moxa Pure cygara wysokiej jakości (Hunan), medium, 20x1.5cm, 10sztuk
Moxa Pure cygara, Wushe, medium, 20x1,5cm, 10sztuk
Pure moxa stick Huaian, mild, 12x1 cm, 20 pcs
Chryzantemy kadzidła, Seiun, bezdyma, Japonia, 220 sztuk.
Small size smoke-free moxa stick, 12 x 0,4 cm, 70 pcs
Moxa bezdymna - małe patyczki 9x0,5cm, 50 sztuk
Smoke-free moxa stick with hollow center, NanYang, 11 x 1.4 cm
Smoke-free moxa stick with paper grip, 12 x 1.4 cm, 5 pcs
Moxa bezdymna cygara, 11 x 1.5 cm, 5 sztuk
Moxa bezdymna cygara, Hoist, 12x1.5 cm, 5 sztuk
Smoke-free moxa stick, NanYang, 11 x 1.4 cm, 5 pcs
Smoke-free moxa stick, Taiwan, 10x1.0 cm, 10 pcs
TaiYi Moxa cygara, Hunan, gorący, 20x1,5cm, 10 sztuk
TaiYi Moxa Rolls, Wushe, 20x1.5 cm, 10 pcs
Moxa na igły
Pure grade moxa wata, Chiny, średniej jakości, 250g
Moxa wata, Chiny, wysokiej jakości, 100 g.
Gu Gwan moxa, 26x7mm, Korea, 200 pcs
Gu Gwan moxa, Kanghwa Korea, 200 pcs
Wakabusa Ibuki (igły lub skóry) Moxa wata, Japonia, 300 g.
Japanese Wakakusa Ibuki moxa punk, 30g
KangHwa Ae MyungPum Korean moxa punk, 100g
MOXSAFE, smoke free moxa rings in basket 100 pcs/box
MOXSAFE, 20 sz. bezdymnej moxa (pierścienie), Japonia
Rolki przycietej moxy na szpikulec, NanYang, 200 sztuk.
Pre-cut needle moxa rolls on skewer,Wushe, 200 pcs
Rolki przycietej moxy Hunan, 200 sztuk.
Rolki przycietej moxy, Chiny, 200 sztuk.
Moxa bezdymna, szyski, Chiny, 200 sztuk.
Smoke-free needle moxa cones, DongBang, 200 pcs
Moxa bezdymna, szyski, Ondan, Japonia, (wysokiej jakości) 450stz.
Moxa bezdymna Gu Gwan, Korea, 25x6,5mm, 200 stzuk.
Moxa luzem
Pure grade moxa wata, Chiny, średniej jakości, 250g
Moxa wata, Chiny, wysokiej jakości, 100 g.
Direct Mini Moxa, Korea
Japanese Gold Mountain Ibuki direct moxa punk, 100g
Japanese Gold Mountain Ibuki direct moxa punk, 10g, loose
Wakabusa Ibuki (igły lub skóry) Moxa wata, Japonia, 300 g.
Japanese Wakakusa Ibuki moxa punk, 30g
KangHwa Ae MyungPum Korean moxa punk, 100g
Moxa wata - Ultra Pure, DongBang, Korea, 10 g.
Mainichi-Koh Natural Incense, Japan, 300 pcs
Chryzantemy kadzidła, Seiun, bezdyma, Japonia, 220 sztuk.
Moxa, klej
Samonagrzewajaca sie Mini-Moxa, 120 sztuk.
Sennenkyu Taiyo® herbal, ciepła, plaster, Japonia, 24 sztuk.
Moxa bezdymna Chosei-Kyu z samoprzylepnym aplikatorem, Japonia, 200stz.
Mini-Moxa (bezdymna) z samoprzylepnym aplikatorem, 2,5x0,75cm,200stz.
Mini-Moxa z samoprzylepnym aplikatorem,dużych, 225stz.
Mini-Moxa z samoprzylepnym aplikatorem, małich, 200stz.
Stick-on Moxa caps with needle hole, China, hot (red), 180 pc
Samoprzylepna podstawka do moxy z otworami na igły, 60 ° , Korea, 180stz.
Samoprzylepna podstawka do moxy z otworami na igły, 50 °, Korea, 180stz.
Tae Keuk stick-on moxa, Korea, 225 pcs
Warming Patches
Dai Wen warming moxa plaster 4x4cm, 40 pcs
HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 2 sztuk.
HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 6 sztuk.
Hot Plaster, La Jiao Feng Shi Gao, 7x10cm, 10 pcs
Jin Si Gao hydrogel cooling plaster, 6 pcs
Sennenkyu Taiyo® herbal, ciepła, plaster, Japonia, 24 sztuk.
Thermosana "TCM", herbal, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Thermosana"Warm", natural, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Tokuhon Plaster 6.5x4.2cm, 20 pcs
Moxa akcesoria
Bakelite palnik do moxa cygara + gaśnica, 1 szt.
Palnik do moxa wykonany z mosiądzu, 1 szt.
Charcoal Moxa Cones, DongBang, Korea, 55 pcs
Fleece blanket, 220x180 cm, 1 pc
Gu Gwan moxa cone burner, 1 hole, Korea, 1 pc
Palnik do szyszki Moxa Gu Gwan, 5 otwory, 1 sz.
Moxa pecjalne łyżka, 1 szt.
Half split moxa spoon with short handle, 1 pc
Hinoki Japanese Cypress Incense, 120 pcs
Mainichi-Koh Natural Incense, Japan, 300 pcs
Aplikator metal bezdymne Gu Gwan moxa, 100 sztuk.
Moxa Device, DongBang, Korea, 1 pc
Moxa extinguisher, solid steel, big, 1 pc
Wygaszacz do moxa, wykonany z mosiądzu i chromu 1sz.
Podkładki metalowe, ochrona skóry, Ø 11 mm, 200 sztuk.
Moxa aplikator (perforowany) do moxa igieł, 10 sztuk
Moxa wooden box eco with lid, metal grid, 1pc
Moxa drewnianym pudełku z otworam, siatki metalowe 10x9x9cm,1stz.
Moxa wooden box with 2 holes, metal grid, 1 pc
Moxa wooden box with 4 holes, metal grid, 1 pc
Moxa drewnianym pudełku z pokrywę, siatki metalowe, 12x12x10cm, 1stz.
MOXSAFE, 20 sz. bezdymnej moxa (pierścienie), Japonia
OS Moxa Balm, wazelina, zioła, mentol, kamforę, 20 g
OS Moxa Spray (zastępować palenie Moxa) 100 ml.
Rolling Tiger Warmer, dużych, 12x1,0 &1,0cm, 1stz.
Chryzantemy kadzidła, Seiun, bezdyma, Japonia, 220 sztuk.
Shiunko cream, Japan, 5g
Tiger Warmer, małich, 12x1,0 &1,0cm, 1stz.
Bańki szklane
Bańki szklane
Acrylic Cupping with Ball (Ø 2.0 - 6.0 cm), 1 pc
Bańki szklane, z z oliwa, nasadkami
Szklane banki z oliwa i nasadkami
Zestaw akrylowych baniek z nasadkami
Banki ze szkla bromokrzemowego z nasadkami
Bańki szklane bez oliwy
Disposable inserts for Hansol acrylic cuppings, 100 pcs
Disposable Plastic Cuppings with Valve
HACI Magnetic Cupping Set, Korea, 10pcs
Hansol acrylic replacement cuppings with Valve, 1 pc
Pump for Acrylic Cuppings Hansol, Korea, 1 pc
Set of 10 Acrylic Cuppings with Valve & Pump, HANSOL Korea
Set of 10 Silicone Cuppings, HANSOL Korea
Set of 12 Acrylic Cuppings with Valve & Pump, China
Set of 17 Acrylic Cuppings with Valve & Pump, HANSOL Korea
Set of 19 Acrylic Cuppings with Valve & Pump, HANSOL Korea
Banki bambusowe
Set of 30 Acrylic Cuppings with Valve & Pump, HANSOL Korea
Set of silicone rubber cuppings, China, 4 pcs
Grubościenne chińskie bańki szklane
Bańki masaż
Lymphe Massage Cupppings with Olive & Suction Ball, Borosil
Bańki do masażu (twarzy i rąkz) z oliwa & nasadkami (szkło bromokrzemowe, wykonane w Niemczech)
Bańki szklane do masażu ze szkla brokrzemowego
Bańki ze szkla bromokrzemowego do masażu z oliwa i kulami
Bańki szklane do masażu z zaworami, ze szkla brokrzemowego
Akcesoria do bańki
Alcohol burners with cap (made in Germany)
Carrier for cotton balls with thread
Carrier for cotton balls, metal,1 pc
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 2.0 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 2.5 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 3.0 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 4.0 cm, 500 pcs
Disposable razors, 102 pcs
Nasadki na szklane banki z oliwa
Jednorazowe głowice do igieł z wymienną rękojescia
Lebenswecker® "STANDARD" od Baunscheidta
Vitralisatoren - Baunscheidt
Inne produkty TMC
Tiger Balms
Arnica cream, 250ml
Bear balm gel, 100ml
Calendula Cream, 250ml
Horse balm with 10 herbs, 250ml
Horse balm, 250ml
Horse Chestnut Vine Leaf Care Gel, 250ml
Horse gel hot, 250ml
Horse gel, 250ml
Marmot oil cream, 250ml
OPODELDOK Traditional, 200 ml
QING LIANG YOU, muscle and joint balm, red, 20g
QING LIANG YOU, muscle and joint balm, white, 20g
REFIT horse balm, 230 ml
Tiger Balm Liquid, 28 ml
Tiger Balm, Jade Tower, red, 19g
Tiger Balm, Jade Tower, red, 3g
Tiger Balm, Jade Tower, white, 19g
Tiger Balm, Jade Tower, white, 3g
Tiger Balm, Singapore, red, 19g
Tiger Balm, Singapore, white, 19g
Gua Sha Products
Chokishin, China, 1 pc
Double roller face 15 cm, Jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha board, horn, 6x9.5cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha duck-foot, ox horn, 6x10 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 73x51x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 90x50x6mm, 1pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 98x42x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage duck-foot, Jade, 73x45x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage fish, Jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage fish, ox horn, 14x4.5cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 11 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 8 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 9 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn-shaped, jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn-shaped, ox horn, 1 pc
Gua Sha set, 5 pcs
Gua Sha tool, horn, 10 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha You, Scraping Oil, brown, 100 ml
Indexnobber II 12x7x2.5 cm, 1 pc
Jacknobber II 10x10x10 cm, 1 pc
Palmassage Tool 11.5x11.5x7 cm, 1 pc
Yoneyama, copper, China, 1 pc
Herbal Liniments
Bai Hua You, White Flower Embrocation, 10 ml
Kwan Loong Oil, 57ml
Ma Pak Leung Massage Oil, 50 ml
Massage Lotion An Mo Ru, 70 ml
Medicated Oil, Eagle Brand, ZhongGuoJiRouLaShangYaoYou, 24 ml
Minyak Gosok Oil, 65ml
Po Sum On Medicated Oil, 30 ml
Imada Red Flower Oil, ZHENG HONG HUA YOU, 25 ml
REFIT ICE GEL, 2.5% Menthol with pump, 500 ml
Shiling Oil, 28 ml
Tiger Balm Liquid, 28 ml
Woodlock Oil, 50 ml
Rightbone Lotion, ZHENG GU SHUI, 100 ml
ZHENG GU SHUI Oil, Right Bone Lotion 30 ml
Warming patches
Dai Wen warming moxa plaster 4x4cm, 40 pcs
HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 2 sztuk.
HerbaChaud® herbal, ciepła, plaster, 6 sztuk.
Hot Plaster, La Jiao Feng Shi Gao, 7x10cm, 10 pcs
Jin Si Gao hydrogel cooling plaster, 6 pcs
Thermosana "TCM", herbal, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Thermosana"Warm", natural, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Tokuhon Plaster 6.5x4.2cm, 20 pcs
Various TCM Products
Arnica cream, 250ml
Bear balm gel, 100ml
Calendula Cream, 250ml
Horse balm with 10 herbs, 250ml
Horse balm, 250ml
Horse Chestnut Vine Leaf Care Gel, 250ml
Horse gel hot, 250ml
Horse gel, 250ml
Marmot oil cream, 250ml
OPODELDOK Traditional, 200 ml
REFIT horse balm, 230 ml
Plastry kuliste & nasiona
Accu-Band & Magnesy
Accu-Band 12000 gauss bulk Ferrite Magnet, 12 pcs
Accu-Band 6000 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnets, 12 pcs
Accu-Band 800 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnets, 24 pcs
Accu-Band 800 gauss non-plated Ferrite Magnets, 24 pcs
Accu-Band 9000 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnet, 12 pcs
Elekiban magnetic plaster (1300 Gauss), 24 pcs
Elekiban magnetic plaster (800 Gauss), 12 pcs
Gold plated magnets 800 gauss, China, 100 pcs
HPro 700 Gauss gold plated Magnet, 10 pcs
HPro 700 Gauss Magnet, 10 pcs
Magnetic Ear Tacs on plaster, 2 mm, gold plated, 800 gauss, 100
Polarity test magnets, 2 pcs
Replacement plasters
Magnesy Shenzhou Ø 1,5 mm. 240 szt./opak.
Silver plated magnets 800 gauss, China, 100 pcs
20% Savings on Auriculotherapy Starter Kit
Accu-Band 12000 gauss bulk Ferrite Magnet, 12 pcs
Accu-Band 6000 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnets, 12 pcs
Accu-Band 800 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnets, 24 pcs
Accu-Band 800 gauss non-plated Ferrite Magnets, 24 pcs
Accu-Band 9000 gauss Gold plated Ferrite Magnet, 12 pcs
Finger roller, gold coloured, 5 pcs
Finger roller, silver coloured, 5 pcs
Gold plated magnets 800 gauss, China, 100 pcs
HPro 700 Gauss gold plated Magnet, 10 pcs
HPro 700 Gauss Magnet, 10 pcs
Magnetic Ear Tacs on plaster, 2 mm, gold plated, 800 gauss, 100
Magrain Gold 1.2 mm with round tan plaster 300 pcs/box
Magrain Gold 1.2 mm with round transparent plaster 300 pcs/box
Magrain Silver 1.2 mm with round plaster 300 pcs/box
Magrain Silver 1.2 mm with round plaster 300 pcs/box
Magrain Steel 1.2 mm with round plaster 300 pcs/box
Polarity test magnets, 2 pcs
Press pellet for Su Jok, 1 point, 100 pcs
Press pellet for Su Jok, 6 points, 30 pcs
Replacement plasters
Magnesy Shenzhou Ø 1,5 mm. 240 szt./opak.
Silver plated magnets 800 gauss, China, 100 pcs
SJC hand/ear magnet 800 Gauss, Korea, 50 pcs
Vaccaria seeds bag 50g (Approx. 1.000 seeds)
Vaccaria Seeds MicroClean on tan plaster, 100 pcs/box
Vaccaria seeds on plaster 180 pcs/box
Taśmy kinezjologiczne
5m x 5cm Taping Tape
Asiamed Kinesiology Tape 5m x 5cm
asiamed Nylon Kinesiology Tape 5m x 5cm
asiamed PRE-CUT Kinesiology Tape 25cmx5cm, 20 pcs
Tasmy do ciala przeciwbólowe, , regenerujace mięśnie i skuteczne przy akupunkturze
Cure Kinesiology Tape Punch 5m x 5cm
Kindmax TI Titanium Tape 5m x 5cm
Kinesio® Tex Gold™ Tape 5m x 5cm
KINSEO Nylon-Power Physiotape 5m x 5cm
Nasara Cross-Tape
Nasara Kinesiology Tape 5m x 5cm
SARASA Kinesiology Tape 5m x 5cm
Synthetic SETA kinesiology tape by asiamed & kinesiobellia
32mx5cm Physio Tape
Nasara XXL Roll 32m x 5cm
Special Sizes Athletic Tape
asiamed XL Kinesiology Tape 5m x 10cm
Tasmy do ciala przeciwbólowe, , regenerujace mięśnie i skuteczne przy akupunkturze
KINSEO Physiotape 3x (5m x 1,5cm)
Nasara Cross-Tape
Nasara Kinesiology Tape 5m x 2,5cm, Beige, 2 rolls
Nasara Kinesiology Tape 5m x 7,5cm, 1 roll
SARASA Kinesiology Tape 5m x 2,5cm
asiamed PRE-CUT Kinesiology Tape 25cmx5cm, 20 pcs
Calf & Ankle Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Tasmy do ciala przeciwbólowe, , regenerujace mięśnie i skuteczne przy akupunkturze
Elbow Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Heel Shape Kinesiology Tape
I Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Knee Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Nasara Cross-Tape
Neck Shape Kinesiology tape patches
T Shape Kinesiology tape patches
TT Shape Kinesiology tape patches
W Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Wrist Shape Kinesiology tape patches
X Shape Kinesiology tape patches
Tape Accessories
Adherent spray, Mueller Tuffner, quick drying, 115g
Bandage scissors Lister
Bandage, cloth or plaster scissors SEUTIN, 23 cm, 1 pc
CAVILON 3M skin protective spray, 28 ml
Cooling gel, 500 ml
Disposable razors, 102 pcs
Ice-water spray, 250 ml
Leukotape Remover BSN, 350 ml
M-TAC, Mueller Pretaping-Spray, 237 ml
Portable 3-section wood massage table
REFIT ICE GEL, 2.5% Menthol with pump, 500 ml
Tape-scissors Avanti 21 cm, FISKARS Finland, 1 pc
Tape-scissors, 21cm,1 pc
Tape-scissors, small, Teflon coated, 1 pc
Universal multi-purpose scissors 18.5 cm, 1 pc
Universal scissors straight, 1 pc
Kinesiology Taping Books
French book: Practical Guide for Strapping & Taping
Il Taping Kinesiologico nella Traumatologia Sportiva, R. Bellia
Kinesiologisches Tapen, German Taping brochure, 1 pc
Taping Basistechniken I, 70 x 100 cm, German poster, 1 pc
Taping Basistechniken I, 70 x 100 cm, German poster, laminated,
Taping Basistechniken I, German mini-poster 34x24cm, 1 pc
Taping Basistechniken I, German mini-poster 34x24cm, laminated,
Taping Kinesiologico, il Metodo Koreano, Rosario Bellia, 1 pc
Physio Supplies
Hot/Cool Therapy
Gels, Sprays & Rubs
Aloevera gel, 250 ml
Arthro Creme, Ice Power, 60g
Bear balm gel, 100ml
Cooling gel, 500 ml
Cooling gel, cosiMed, 500 ml
Cooling Massage Cream, cosiMed, 500 ml
Cooling sports gel, cosiMed, 250 ml
Cooling spray 400 ml, 1 pcs
Cooling spray, cosiMed, 300 ml
Thermo massage lotion, cosiMed, 250 ml
HerbaChaud ocieplajacy balsam do masażu, 100 ml
Horse balm with 10 herbs, 250ml
Horse balm, 250ml
Horse gel hot, 250ml
Horse gel, 250ml
Ice-water spray, 250 ml
OPODELDOK Traditional, 200 ml
REFIT horse balm, 230 ml
REFIT ICE GEL, 2.5% Menthol with pump, 500 ml
Thermo Massage Ointment, cosiMed, 500 ml
Warming massage oil with camphor, cosiMed, 250 ml
Warming sports gel, cosiMed, 250 ml
Hot/cold packs
Dai Wen warming moxa plaster 4x4cm, 40 pcs
Elastic Bandage to fix compresses, 120x10 cm
Fleece covers for hot/cold compresses
Hot/cold compress, 12x29cm, 25 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 13x14cm, 50 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 16x26cm, 20 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 21x38cm, 6 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 30x40cm, 5 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 7.5x35cm, 40 pcs
Hot/cold compress, 7.5x52cm, 25 pcs
Hot/cold compress, cosiMed, 12x29cm, 1 pc
Hot/cold compress, cosiMed, 13x14cm, 1 pc
Hot/cold compress, cosiMed, 7.5x13cm, 1 pc
Instant cold-compress 15x17cm, 1 pc
Instant cold-compress 15x17cm, 10 pcs
Instant cold-compress 15x25cm, 6 pcs
Jin Si Gao hydrogel cooling plaster, 6 pcs
Peat Pack, 30cm x 40 cm, 1 pc
Thermosana "TCM", herbal, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Thermosana"Warm", natural, ciepła, double-plaster, 3 sztuk.
Torex Hot/Cold Therapy Sleeve, Hand, ø 12,5cm x 15cm, 1 pc
TENS/EMS devices
Han-Sen adhesive electrodes, 4 pcs
Jia Jia adhesive gel electrodes 50x50 mm, 4 pcs
Sanitas adhesive electrodes 45x45 mm, 8 pcs
Sanitas adhesive electrodes 50x100 mm, 4 pcs
Sanitas SEM 40 Digital EMS/TENS unit, 1 pc
Stimex adhesive electrodes 50x50 mm, schwa-medico, 4 pcs
Stimex adhesive electrodes round 32 mm, schwa-medico, 4 pcs
Stimex adhesive electrodes round 50 mm, schwa-medico, 4 pcs
Vivomed Stress Electrode Ø 45 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Electrode Quick SPOT 55 x 35 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Electrode Square SPOT 57 x 52 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Foam Electrode Kids Ø 30 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Foam Electrode Ø 55 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Microtape perforated fleece Electrode Ø 50 mm, 30 pcs
Vivomed Snap connector, 1 pc
Vivomed Textile Electrode Ø 55 mm, 30 pcs
Therapy putty
Theraflex therapy putty, 85g
Sport Tape & Elastic Bandage
Nonelastic Sports Tapes
Finger Tape KK, 10m x 2.0cm, White (12 Rl.)
Finger Tape KK, 10m x 2.5cm, White (12 Rl.)
M-Tape classic TeamPak 3.8cm x 13.7m (32 Rl.)
M-Tape classic TeamPak 5.0cm x 13.7m (24 Rl.)
Mueller M-Wrap Foam Underwrap 7cm x 27m, coloured (1 Rl.)
MUELLER Perform Athletic Tape Tape 3.8cm x 13.7m (1 Rl.)
MUELLER Perform Athletic Tape Tape 5.0cm x 13.7m (1 Rl.)
MUELLER Platinum Euro Sport Tape 2.5cm x 10m (48 Rl.)
MUELLER Platinum Euro Sport Tape 3.8cm x 11,4m (32 Rl.)
MUELLER Platinum Euro Sport Tape 5cm x 10m (24 Rl.)
Sports Tape asiamed, 13.7m x 3.8cm, White (2 Rl.)
Sports Tape asiamed, 13.7m x 5.0cm, White (2 Rl.)
Sports Tape KK, 10m x 3.8cm (6 Rl.)
Elastic Tapes/Bandages
Cohesive bandages
Cohesive Bandage, 10 m x 10 cm, (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Bandage, 10 m x 12 cm, (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Bandage, 10 m x 6 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Bandage, 10 m x 8 cm, (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic 70% Short-stretch Bandage, 5 m x 10 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic 70% Short-stretch Bandage, 5 m x 12 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive elastic 70% Short-stretch Bandage, 5 m x 6 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic 70% Short-stretch Bandage, 5 m x 8 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic Bandage 20 m x 10 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic Bandage 20 m x 6 cm (1 Rl.)
Cohesive Elastic Bandage 20 m x 8 cm (1 Rl.)
KINSEO Cohesive Elas. Bandages 5 m x 7,5 cm (1 Rl.)
MUELLER M-Lastic Tape 5.0cm x 4.5m (24 Rl.)
MUELLER M-Lastic Tape 7.5cm x 4.5m (16 Rl.)
Adhesive bandages
Elastic adhesive bandage 2,5 m x 10 cm (1 Rl.)
Elastic adhesive bandage 2,5 m x 6 cm (1 Rl.)
Elastic adhesive bandage 2,5 m x 8 cm (1 Rl.)
Elastic adhesive bandage ACRYL 2,5 m x 10 cm (1 Rl.)
Elastic adhesive bandage ACRYL 2,5 m x 6 cm (1 Rl.)
Elastic adhesive bandage ACRYL 2,5 m x 8 cm (1 Rl.)
Other bandages
Mueller M-Wrap Foam Underwrap 7cm x 27m, coloured (1 Rl.)
Zinc Binding Elastic Bandage, 7 m x 10 cm (1 Rl.)
Zinc Binding Elastic Bandage, 7 m x 8 cm (1 Rl.)
Bandage Accessories
Adherent spray, Mueller Tuffner, quick drying, 115g
Bandage scissors Lister
CAVILON 3M skin protective spray, 28 ml
Disposable razors, 102 pcs
Leukotape Remover BSN, 350 ml
M-TAC, Mueller Pretaping-Spray, 237 ml
Mueller M-Wrap Foam Underwrap 7cm x 27m, coloured (1 Rl.)
Tape-scissors Avanti 21 cm, FISKARS Finland, 1 pc
Tape-scissors, 21cm,1 pc
Tape-scissors, small, Teflon coated, 1 pc
Universal multi-purpose scissors 18.5 cm, 1 pc
Universal scissors straight, 1 pc
Sports Supports
Produkty do masażu
Olejki do masażu
Arnica Massage Oil, cosiMed, 1L
Aroma Honey Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Aroma Luxury Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Ayurveda Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Chocolate Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Chocolate massage, 500ml
Ekalyptus Massage Oil, 1 liter
Fresh Mint Massage Oil cosiMed, 1L
Fresh Mint Massage Oil cosiMed, 250 ml
Honey Massage Oil cosiMed, 250 ml
Hot Stone Massage Oil cosiMed, 1 liter
Hot Stone Massage Oil cosiMed, 250 ml
Lemon Massage Oil cosiMed, 1 liter
Lemon Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Orange Massage Oil cosiMed, 1 liter
Rose Massageöl cosimed, 250 ml
Spa Massage Oi, asiamed, 1 liter
Strawberry Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Thai Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 Liter
Warming massage oil with camphor, cosiMed, 250 ml
Massage Oil 5 Liter Bulk Bottles
Aloe Vera Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liters
Aroma Honey Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Aroma Luxury Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Ayurveda Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liters
Chocolate Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Lemon Massage Oil cosiMed, 5L
Lemon Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 10 liter
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 10 liters
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 5 liters
Orange Massage Oil cosiMed, 5L
Spa Massage Oil, asiamed, 10 liter
Spa Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Strawberry Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Thai Massage Oil, asiamed, 10 liter
Thai Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Neutral Massage Oil
Drainage tap for 5 and 10 liter asiamed neutral massage oil, 1
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 10 liter
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 5 liter
Neutral massage oil, asiamed, 50 ml
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 1 liter
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 10 liters
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 5 liters
Neutral Massage Oil, cosiMed, 50 ml
Base Massage Oil
Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Argan Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Avocado Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Jojoba Massage Oil Bio, 250 ml
Jojoba Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Macadamia Nut Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Macadamia Nut Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Sesame Massage Oil, cold pressed, 1 liter
Sesame Massage Oil, cold pressed, 5 liters
Sesame Massage Oil, cold pressed, matured, 1 liter
Sesame Massage Oil, cold pressed, matured, 5 liters
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 5 liters
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, matured, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, matured, 5 liters
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, deodorized, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, deodorized, 5 liters
Sweet Almond Massage Oil, cosiMed, 10l
Sweet Almond Massage Oil, cosiMed, 5l
Sweet Almond Massage Oil, Liscio, 1l
Ayurveda Massage Oil
Ayurveda Kapha Massage Oil, 1 liter
Ayurveda Kapha Massage Oil, 250 ml
Ayurveda Massage Oil, asiamed, 1 liter
Ayurveda Massage Oil, asiamed, 5 liters
Ayurveda Pitta Massage Oil, 1 liter
Ayurveda Pitta Massage Oil, 250 ml
Ayurveda Tridosha Massage Oil, 1 liter
Ayurveda Tridosha Massage Oil, 250 ml
Ayurveda Vata Massage Oil, 1 liter
Ayurveda Vata Massage Oil, 250 ml
DHANWANTARAM THAILAM Abyanga oil, 1 liter
DHANWANTARAM THAILAM Abyanga oil, 500 ml
Bio Massage Oils
Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Argan Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Avocado Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Jojoba Massage Oil Bio, 250 ml
Jojoba Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Macadamia Nut Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Macadamia Nut Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 5 liters
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, matured, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, matured, 5 liters
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, deodorized, 1 liter
Sunflower Massage Oil Bio, deodorized, 5 liters
Massage tables & chairs
Portable 3-section wood massage table
ZEN "PhysioTop Classic" massage table, cremewhite, 1 pc
Essential Oils
Bergamot Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Bergamot Oil, ed, 30 ml
Eucalyptus Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Ginger Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Ginger Oil, ed, 30 ml
Grapefruit Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Grapefruit Oil, ed, 30 ml
Lavender Oil High Alp, ed, 30 ml
Lavender Oil, Bulgaria, 10 ml
Lavender Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Lemon Grass Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Lemon Grass Oil, ed, 30 ml
Lemon Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Lime Oil, ed, 30 ml
Mandarin Oil, ed, 30 ml
Melissa Oil indicum, cosiMed, 30 ml
Mint oil, Japan, cosiMed, 100 ml
Orange Oil sweet, cosiMed, 30 ml
Patchouli Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Pine Needle Oil, ed, 30 ml
Rosemary Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Rosewood Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Sage Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
sandalwood (Amyris oil), West India, cosiMed, 30 ml
Ylang-Ylang Oil, cosiMed, 30 ml
Ylang-Ylang Oil, ed, 30 ml
Massage Cream
Chocolate massage cream, 1000 ml
Chocolate massage cream, 30 ml
Chocolate massage, 500ml
Constricting massage cream, 1000 ml
Constricting massage cream, 30 ml
Cooling Massage Cream, cosiMed, 500 ml
ENOCIANIN (red wine) massage cream, 1000 ml
ENOCIANIN (red wine) massage cream, 30 ml
ESCIN (chestnut) massage cream, 1000 ml
ESCIN (chestnut) massage cream, 30 ml
foot massage cream, cosiMed, 500 ml
massage cream, cosiMed, 500 ml
Odorless massage cream, 1000 ml
Odorless massage cream, 30 ml
Relaxing massage cream, 1000 ml
Relaxing massage cream, 30 ml
Shea Butter Bio, 450 g
Stimulating massage cream, 1000 ml
Stimulating massage cream, 30 ml
Thermo Massage Ointment, cosiMed, 500 ml
Massage Liniment
Aloevera gel, 250 ml
Cooling gel, 500 ml
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 1 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 5 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 99,5%, 1 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 99,5%, 5 liter
Liniment Orange 45 Vol.% 2-Propanol, cosiMed, 1 liter
Liniment Orange 45 Vol.% 2-Propanol, cosiMed, 5 liter
Liniment Pine Needle 45 Vol.% 2-Propanol, cosiMed, 5 liter
Massage Lotion
Thermo massage lotion, cosiMed, 250 ml
HerbaChaud ocieplajacy balsam do masażu, 100 ml
Massage lotion Cool & Fresh, cosiMed, 500 ml
Massage lotion lime, cosiMed, 1 liter
Neutral Massage Lotion, cosiMed, 1 Liter
Massage books
Il massaggio sportivo, Roberto Dagani, 1 pc
Massage Cuppings
Lymphe Massage Cupppings with Olive & Suction Ball, Borosil
Bańki do masażu (twarzy i rąkz) z oliwa & nasadkami (szkło bromokrzemowe, wykonane w Niemczech)
Bańki szklane do masażu ze szkla brokrzemowego
Bańki ze szkla bromokrzemowego do masażu z oliwa i kulami
Bańki szklane do masażu z zaworami, ze szkla brokrzemowego
Massage Accessories
Massage Tools
Double roller face 15 cm, Jade, 1 pc
Hardwood Massage Birdy 12 cm, 1 pc
Hardwood Massage Chopstick 14.5 cm, 1 pc
Hardwood Massage Cross 11 cm, 1 pc
Hardwood Massage Cube 5 cm, 1 pc
Indexnobber II 12x7x2.5 cm, 1 pc
Jacknobber II 10x10x10 cm, 1 pc
Palmassage Tool 11.5x11.5x7 cm, 1 pc
Reha Pen 13 cm, 1 pc
Biospeed-Cleaner, 1 liter
Bode Sterillium, disinfectant for hands, 500 ml
Calendula Cream, 250ml
Fleece blanket, 220x180 cm, 1 pc
Fleece blankets for massage tables, 110x120 cm, 5 pcs
Fleece blankets for massage tables, 150x120 cm, 5 pcs
Handwash, intensive, cosiMed, 250 ml
PC 30 ® skin care cream, 75 ml
Herbal Stamps
Samun Prai Herbal Stamps
Ayurveda Accessories
Garshan silk gloves, coarse, 1 pair
Garshan silk gloves, sensitive, 1 pair
Gua Sha Tools
Gua Sha board, horn, 6x9.5cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha duck-foot, ox horn, 6x10 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 73x51x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 90x50x6mm, 1pc
Gua Sha massage board, Jade, 98x42x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage duck-foot, Jade, 73x45x4mm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage fish, Jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage fish, ox horn, 14x4.5cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 11 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 8 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn, 9 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn-shaped, jade, 1 pc
Gua Sha massage rod, horn-shaped, ox horn, 1 pc
Gua Sha set, 5 pcs
Gua Sha tool, horn, 10 cm, 1 pc
Gua Sha You, Scraping Oil, brown, 100 ml
Su Jok hand massge tools
Finger roller, gold coloured, 5 pcs
Finger roller, silver coloured, 5 pcs
Massage nuts for Su Jok hand massge, 1 pc
Massage stick for Su Jok hand massge, 1 pc
Other products
Drainage tap for 5 and 10 liter asiamed neutral massage oil, 1
Reer Ecostar Turbo bottle heater, 1 pc
Sample Kits
cosiMed Oil Herbal Wellness Bath Sample Set, 30 x 50 ml
Spa Products
cosiMed Horse Chestnut Oil Bath, 1 liter
cosiMed Oil Herbal Wellness Bath Sample Set, 30 x 50 ml
Sound massage products
Peter Hess Therapy Singing Bowls
Health & Harmony Through Sound Massage, Peter Hess, 1 book
Peter Hess bulbous head singing bowl, ø 12cm, 300g, 1 pc
Peter Hess head singing bowl, ø 14cm, 300g, 1 pc
Peter Hess large heart singing bowl, ø 21.5 cm, 1300 g
Peter Hess large pelvic singing bowl, ø 28,5 cm, 2000 g
Peter Hess laryngeal singing bowl, ø 17cm, 600g, 1 pc
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set "4 Kids"
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set 15
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set 20
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set 30
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set 35a
Peter Hess professional singing bowl set 40
Peter Hess small heart singing bowl, ø 16 cm, 600-650 g
Peter Hess small pelvic singing bowl, ø 26 cm, 1500 g
Peter Hess Solar plexus singing bowl, ø 24cm, 1200-1300g, 1 pc
Peter Hess universal singing bowl, ø 21cm, 900-1000g, 1 pc
Peter Hess XL singing bowl, 5000-12000g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo Singing Bowls
Peter Hess Bolo joint singing bowl, ø 21cm, 900g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo large heart singing bowl, ø 21cm, 1300g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo large pelvis singing bowl, ø 28cm, 2000g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo laryngeal singing bowl, ø 17cm, 600g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo small heart singing bowl, ø 16cm, 700g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo small pelvis singing bowl, ø 26cm, 1500g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Bolo Solar plexus singing bowl, ø 24cm, 1200g, 1 pc
Peter Hess Singing Bowls with loop and handle
Peter Hess large heart singing bowl with loop and handle, 1 pc
Peter Hess large pelvis singing bowl with loop and handle, 1 pc
Peter Hess small heart singing bowl with loop and handle, 1 pc
Peter Hess small pelvis singing bowl with loop and handle, 1 pc
Peter Hess universal singing bowl with loop and handle, 1 pc
Peter Hess HIMALAYA Singing Bowls
HIMALAYA head bowl, ø 14cm, 250g, 1 pc
HIMALAYA joint/universal singing bowl, ø 21cm, 900g, 1 pc
HIMALAYA large heart bowl, ø 21cm, 1300g, 1 pc
HIMALAYA large pelvis singing bowl, ø 29cm, 2000g, 1 pc
HIMALAYA small heart bowl, ø 16cm, 600g, 1 pc
HIMALAYA small pelvis singing bowl, ø 26cm, 1500g, 1 pc
Peter Hess ASSAM Singing Bowls
Peter Hess ASSAM Singing Bowl Set
Peter Hess ZEN Singing Bowls
Peter Hess ZEN Singing Bowl Set
Peter Hess Sangha meditation Singing Bowls
Peter Hess Sanga Singing Bowl Set, 2 pcs
Peter Hess Sanga Singing Bowl Set, 3 pcs
Peter Hess Sanga Singing Bowl Set, 5 pcs
Fen-Gong, Ø 40 cm, 1.6kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 45 cm, 2.0kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 50 cm, 2.5kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 55 cm, 3.0kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 70 cm, 7.0kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 80 cm, 11.0kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 90 cm, 15.5kg, 1 pc
Fen-Gong, Ø 95 cm, 17.5kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam Gong
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 100 cm, 23.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 105 cm, 24.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 110 cm, 25.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 115 cm, 26.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 40 cm, 2.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 50 cm, 3.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 60 cm, 5.5kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 70 cm, 9.0kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 80 cm, 12.5kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 90 cm, 17.5kg, 1 pc
Tam Tam-Gong, Ø 95 cm, 19.0kg, 1 pc
Tibetan Cymbals
Tibetan Cymbal, Ø 40 cm, 1 pair
Tibetan Cymbal, Ø 40 cm, 1 pc
Tibetan Cymbal, Ø 50 cm, 1 pair
Tibetan Cymbal, Ø 50 cm, 1 pc
Peter Hess® ZEN Cymbals, Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Peter Hess® ZEN Cymbals, Ø 8 cm, 1 pc
Peter Hess® ZEN Cymbals, Ø 9 cm, 1 pc
Felt Mallets
Double Felt mallet hard, Ø 5,5 cm & Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Double Felt mallet medium, 30.5 cm, Ø 5,5 cm & Ø 7,5 cm, 1 pc
Double Felt mallet soft, Ø 5,5 cm & Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet hard, 23 cm, Ø 2.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet hard, 30 cm, Ø 4.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet hard, 30 cm, Ø 5.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet hard, 30 cm, Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet India, No. 4, 36 cm, Ø 10 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet India, No. 5, 36 cm, Ø 12.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet India, No.5, 65 cm, Ø 12.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet soft, 30 cm, Ø 4.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet soft, 30 cm, Ø 5.5 cm, 1 pc
Felt mallet soft, 30 cm, Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Rubber Mallets
Double Rubber mallet soft and hard, 19.5 cm, Ø 2.5cm & Ø 2cm, 1
Rubber mallet hard, 17.5 cm, Ø 2 cm, 1 pc
Rubber mallet medium, 17.5 cm, Ø 2 cm, 1 pc
Rubbing beaters
Rubbing beater extra massive, wood without leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater extra thick and massive, wood without leather, 1
Rubbing beater extra thick, wood & leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater large, wood & leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater large, wood without leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater medium, wood & leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater small, wood without leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater very large, wood & leather, 1 pc
Rubbing beater very large, wood without leather, 1 pc
Gong-/Plush mallets
Gong Beater, 26 cm, Ø 6.5 cm, 1 pc
Gong Beater, 30 cm, Ø 7 cm, 1 pc
Gong Beater, 55 cm, Ø 9 cm, 1 pc
Pro Gong Beater, 45 cm, Ø 10 cm, 250g, 1 pc
Pro Gong Beater, 45 cm, Ø 10 cm, 310g, 1 pc
Pro Gong Beater, 45 cm, Ø 10 cm, 370g, 1 pc
Pro Gong Beater, 48 cm, Ø 10 cm, 440g, 1 ST
Pro Gong Beater, 48 cm, Ø 10 cm, 520g, 1 pc
Pro Gong Beater, 48 cm, Ø 10 cm, 600g, 1 pc
Other mallets
Cymbal mallet Z1a, 19 cm, Ø 3 cm, 20g, 1 pc
Sucking discs & sucklifters
asiamed Kinesiology Tape 5m x 5cm
Suction disc 1, 1 pc
Suction disc 2, 1 pc
Suction disc 22, 1 pc
Suction disc 22a, 1 pc
Suction disc 3, 1 pc
Suction lifter Joya, 1 pc
Gong stands & cases
Gong bag, Ø 100 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 40 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 50 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 55 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 60 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 70 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 80 cm, 1 pc
Gong bag, Ø 90 cm, 1 pc
Gong rack "Boing", 1 pc
Gong rack "classic", large, 1 pc
Gong rack "classic", small, 1 pc
Gong rack "harmony", extra large, 1 pc
Gong rack "harmony", large, 1 pc
Gong rack "harmony", medium, 1 pc
Gong rack "harmony", small, 1 pc
Gong rack teak, extra large, 1 pc
Gong rack teak, small, 1 pc
Sound healing books & DVD
Die heilende Kraft der Klangmassage, Peter Hess, 1 book incl. CD
Health & Harmony Through Sound Massage, Peter Hess, 1 book
Heilende Klänge, Hilarion Petzold, 1 book
Klang erfahren mit Klang professionell arbeiten, 1 German book
Klang und Klangmassage in der Pädagogik, 1 German book
Klangmethoden in der therapeutischen Praxis, Peter Hess, 1 book
Klangschalen für Gesundheit, Peter Hess, 1 book
Klangschalen für Gesundheit, Peter Hess, 1 book incl. DVD
Klangschalen mit allen Sinnen spielen & lernen, 1 German book
Peter Hess-Klangmethoden, 1 German book
Świece do uszu & ciała
asiamed Ear Cones "Ecco", 25 pcs/box
Tradycyjna swieca do ucha Biosun
BIOSUN wellbalance Ear Candles, 10 pcs/box
BIOSUN wellharmony Ear Candles, 10 pcs/box
BIOSUN wellmotion Ear Candles, 10 pcs/box
Condensate reducer, cardboard filter, 50 pcs
Akcesoria do swiecowania uszu
Ecco Ear candles, 34 pcs/box
German Body Candles with added herbs, 4 pcs/box
German Ear Candle, Honey-neutral, 4 pcs/box
German Ear Candles with added herbs, 4 pcs/box
German Ear Candles, Children, Honey- neutral, 4 pcs/box
German Ear Candles, Honey-neutral, 100 pcs/box
OTOSAN Ear candles XL, 60 pcs/box
Zaopatrzenie medyczne
Ogolne medyczne produkty
Dosing pump for Ultrasound Gel light canister and cubitainer, 1
Fleece blanket, 220x180 cm, 1 pc
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 1 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 5 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 99,5%, 1 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 99,5%, 5 liter
Needle disposal box big 3.0 l, 1 pc
Needle disposal box small 0.7 l, 1 pc
Needles & syringes disposal box, 5.0 l, 1 pc
Plastic Tongue depressors 150 mm, 100 pcs
Portable 3-section wood massage table
Ultrasound Gel, 1 liter
Ultrasound Gel, cubitainer, 5 liter
Ultrasound Gel, light canister, without pump, 5 liter
Wooden Tongue depressors 150 mm, sterile, 100 pcs
Wooden Tongue depressors 150 mm, sterile, 50 pcs
Lifeguard latex gloves powder-free, 100 pcs
Lifeguard latex gloves, 100 pcs
Lifeguard vinyl gloves powder-free, 100 pcs
Lifeguard vinyl gloves, 100 pcs
SOFT-HAND LATEX gloves, 100 pcs
Dezynfekujace chusteczki do ciala, 30 x 62 mm, 100 szt../opak.
Alcohol swabs in dispenser, 44 x 44 mm, 150 pcs
Biospeed-Cleaner, 1 liter
Biospeed-Cleaner, 10 liter
Bode Sterillium, disinfectant for hands, 500 ml
Handwash, intensive, cosiMed, 250 ml
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 1 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%, 5 liter
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 99,5%, 5 liter
Kodan® Wipes Refill, 6 bags with 90 pcs each
Kodan® Wipes, 90 pcs in dispenser
Meliseptol® HBV tissues, 100 pcs with dispenser
Meliseptol® HBV tissues, refill pack, 100 pcs
PC 30® washing lotion, 500 ml
Softasept® N clear, 1 liter
Softasept® N clear, 5 liters
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 39 cm x 50 m, 9 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 39 cm x 80 m, 6 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 50 cm x 50 m, 9 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 55 cm x 150 m, 4 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 55 cm x 50 m, 9 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 59 cm x 150 m, 4 pcs
Bed rolls, 2 layers, 59 cm x 50 m, 9 pcs
Fleece blanket, 220x180 cm, 1 pc
mediware bed rolls, 2 layers, 39/40 cm x 100 m, 6 pcs
mediware bed rolls, 2 layers, 50 cm x 100 m, 6 pcs
mediware bed rolls, 2 layers, 55 cm x 100 m, 6 pcs
mediware bed rolls, 2 layers, 59 cm x 100 m, 6 pcs
Portable 3-section wood massage table
Scott® Super-Soft bed rolls, 3 layers, 50 cm x 50 m, 6 pcs
Adson surgical tweezers with grooved jaws, 12.5 cm, 1 pc
Adson surgical tweezers with hook, sterile, 12 cm, 1 pc
Anatomical dissection tweezers sterile, 13 cm, 1 pc
Anatomical Tweezers straight, grooved jaws
Cilia universal tweezers, slanted jaws, 9 cm, 1 pc
Feilchenfeld splinter tweezers
Shard removal tweezers, 14.5 cm, 1 pc
Splinter tweezers with sharp grooved jaws, 11.5 cm, 1 pc
Tissue tweezers, straight, 1:2 teeth, 1 pc
Bandage scissors Lister
Bandage, cloth or plaster scissors SEUTIN, 23 cm, 1 pc
Disposable razors, 102 pcs
Scissors sterile, pointed, 12 cm, 1 pc
Standard scissors straight, sharp/blunt, 14.5 cm, 1 pc
Tape-scissors Avanti 21 cm, FISKARS Finland, 1 pc
Tape-scissors, 21cm,1 pc
Tape-scissors, small, Teflon coated, 1 pc
Universal multi-purpose scissors 18.5 cm, 1 pc
Universal scissors straight, 1 pc
Collin tongue forceps, grooved jaw, 16 cm, 1 pc
Forceps bent, hemostatic, sterile, 12.5 cm, 1 pc
Forceps straight, hemostatic, sterile, 14.5 cm, 1 pc
Maier dressing forceps, 1 pc
Mosquito forceps, grooved jaws 12 cm, 1 pc
Pean artery forceps straight, grooved jaws, 1 pc
Swabs forceps, 27.0 cm, 1 pc
Carrier for cotton balls with thread
Carrier for cotton balls, metal,1 pc
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 2.0 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 2.5 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 3.0 cm, 500 pcs
Cotton Wool Balls, Ø 4.0 cm, 500 pcs
Pur-Zellin swabs 4 x 5 cm, Hartmann, steril, 500 pcs
Pur-Zellin swabs dispenser, 1 pc
Zelltip® cellulose swabs 4 x 5 cm, non-sterile, 2 x 520 pcs
Zelltip® swabs dispenser, 1 pc
Stethoscope super, Aluminium double head, 1 pc
Stethoscope super, stainless steel double head, 1 pc
Blood pressure meter
Blood pressure meter "Pressure Man Professional", 1 pc
Blood pressure meter Boso Manual, 1 pc
Bleeding lancets
Pobierania krwi urządzenie DIAclix ® Vario + 25 MONOCLIX ® nakłuwacze
C&D Lancet needle, 23G, 100 pcs
Haemostiletten® Blutungslanzetten
Lanzo, Lancet device, 1 pc
Nakłuwacze Mediprick dla alergikow
Dishes and trays
Instrument tray, flat form, 1 pc
Kidney dish 25 cm, plastic, 1 pc
Kidney dish 25 cm, stainless stell, 1 pc
Mediware disposable kidney dish eco, 300 pcs
Skin care
Aloe Vera shampoo, 250 ml
Aloe Vera shower gel, 250 ml
Arnica cream, 250ml
Balsam shampoo, 250 ml
Calendula Cream, 250ml
Horse Chestnut Vine Leaf Care Gel, 250ml
Marmot oil cream, 250ml
PC 30 ® skin care cream, 75 ml
PC 30® V, 100 ml
PC 30® washing lotion, 500 ml
Ayurveda food supplements
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