Ayurveda Pitta Massage Oil, 1 liter
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    Ayurveda Pitta Massage Oil, 1 liter

    Cena: €49,90 (w³±czaj±c 19 % VAT)
    Ilo¶æ Cena
    1 - 3€49,90
    4 - 7€44,90
    8 - 40€39,90


    The Pitta skin tends to be oily, and prone to skin rashes, stains and inflammation. The unique mixture of pitta oil cools and soothes the fiery Pitta skin. It benefits the skin and promotes healing. Pitta oil also helps to relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints. The therapeutic natural herbs and flowers in this oil promote healing, detoxification, restoration of balance and creates a sense of revival.

    Composition: sesame oil, chamomile, sage, fennel, rose.

    It is made in Germany according to recipes of some of the world's most respected Ayurvedic practitioner.

    Ayurveda Pitta Massage Oil, 1 liter €49,90

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    Last Updated: sobota, 24 październik 2015 23:12

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