Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
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    Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml
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    Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml

    Cena: €22,90 (w³±czaj±c 19 % VAT)
    Ilo¶æ Cena
    1 - 3€22,90
    4 - 7€19,90
    8 - 40€17,90


    Apricot kernel oil has a soothing effect on the skin and tissue. Since it is very mild, only slightly greasy and fast absorbing, this noble oil is ideal for the care of facial skin. Apricot kernel oil is suitable for every type of skin. It is always in a position to support and balance the moisture in the skin effectively. This precious oil is compatible with any kind of skin.

    Made in Germany.


    Apricot kernel Massage Oil Bio, cold pressed, 250 ml €22,90

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    Last Updated: czwartek, 29 październik 2015 21:47

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